Deed Records |
Date of Reception |
Grantors |
Grantees |
Consideration |
Town where the lands lie |
County where the lands lie |
State where the lands lie |
Book |
Page |
Instrument |
Description of land |
10/10/1794 |
John Goldsmith, Jr. |
Beniah Dore |
20 pounds |
Ossipee |
Strafford |
New Hampshire |
19 |
265 |
Deed |
A certain piece of land in
Ossipee aforesaid containing thirty acres & no more & bounded as
follows beginning at the SouthEast corner of the five hundred acre Lot
numbered thirty two and running Northwesterly one hundred rods on the line of
Lot No Thirty three then turning at a right angle & running Northeasterly
forty rods then turning at right angles & running southeasterly fifty
rods then turning at right angles & running northeasterly sixteen rods
then turning at right angles & running southeasterly fifty rods to the
line of Lot No twenty six then by said Lot No twenty six to the bounds begun
at |
2/23/1804 |
Benjamin Dame |
Wentworth Door |
Rochester |
Strafford |
New Hampshire |
45 |
25 |
12/5/1805 |
John Henry Hiner |
Simon Dore |
New Durham |
Strafford |
New Hampshire |
49 |
294 |
Deed |
1/15/1806 |
Benjamin Adams |
Andrew Dore |
Rochester |
Strafford |
New Hampshire |
51 |
144 |
2/24/1807 |
Simon Dore |
Josiah Dore |
New Durham |
Strafford |
New Hampshire |
54 |
163 |
Quitclaim |
1/9/1808 |
William Leighton |
Wentworth Door |
Milton |
Strafford |
New Hampshire |
56 |
308 |
1/18/1809 |
Barnabas Palmer |
Daniel Dore |
Rochester |
Strafford |
New Hampshire |
62 |
221 |
10/18/1809 |
James Pickering, Jr. |
Daniel Dore |
Milton |
Strafford |
New Hamsphire |
62 |
220 |
1/17/1810 |
Jonathan Buzzel |
Abijah Door |
Alton |
Strafford |
New Hampshire |
62 |
522 |
3/13/1810 |
John Chesle |
Josiah Dore |
New Durham |
Strafford |
New Hampshire |
63 |
249 |
Mortgage |
5/25/1811 |
Enoch Hoyt |
Charity Door |
Rochester |
Strafford |
New Hampshire |
67 |
371 |
6/22/1811 |
Alexander McGeoch |
Benjamin Doore |
Milton |
Strafford |
New Hampshire |
67 |
471 |
9/17/1811 |
Edward B. Long et ux By Atty |
Benaniah(sic) Dore |
$87 |
Ossipee |
Strafford |
New Hampshire |
71 |
66 |
Quitclaim? |
One full undivided moiety or
half part of lot number three containing sixty four acres more or less, and
is a part of the five hundred acre lot number twenty six in Ossipee aforesaid
and is one of the Lots drawn to the original right of John Thomlinson &
John Tufton Mason the said lot number three is one of those laid out by
Benjamin Cook reference unto his plan thereof will more at large appear. The
said Mary being granddaughter and sole heir of John Thomlinson esquire of
London deceased whose undivided part of said Lot number three is hereby
conveyed… |
12/14/1811 |
Stephen Perley |
Theophilus Dore |
Gilmanton |
Strafford |
New Hampshire |
70 |
25 |
Deed |
2/4/1812 |
Nathaniel Appleton Haven |
Benaniah (sic) Doer (sic) |
Ossipee |
Strafford |
New Hampshire |
71 |
68 |
Deed |
5/31/1813 |
Shadrach Hurd |
Benniah Door |
Rochester |
Strafford |
New Hampshire |
74 |
504 |
4/13/1814 |
Jonathan Palmer |
Beniah Door |
Rochester |
Strafford |
New Hampshire |
78 |
837 |
4/13/1814 |
John Manning |
Beniah Door |
Rochester |
Strafford |
New Hampshire |
78 |
836 |
4/13/1814 |
David Copp |
Beniah Door |
Milton |
Strafford |
New Hampshire |
78 |
841 |
4/13/1814 |
Paul Woodman |
Beniah Door |
Milton |
Strafford |
New Hampshire |
78 |
834 |
4/13/1814 |
James Door et al |
Beniah Door |
Rochester |
Strafford |
New Hampshire |
78 |
839 |
1/22/1816 |
Jonathan Buzzel |
Abijah Dore |
$300 |
Alton |
Strafford |
New Hampshire |
87 |
509 |
all men by these presents that I Jonathan Buzzel of St.Hyeu(?) in the Lower
prvance of Canada and District of Montreal husbandman for and in
consideration of the sum of three hundred dollars paid to me by Abijah Dore
of Alton in the County of Strafford and State of New Hampshire husbandman the
right whereof I do hereby acknowledge do hereby give grant bargain sell and
convey unto the said Abijah Dore his heirs and assigns forever fifty acres of
lands in Alton it being one half of lot number one in the great lot number
four in the second range of lots in said Alton to be taken off of the north
end of said lot being the same more or less, also fifty acres of land in
Alton aforesaid to be taken off of the north end of lot number four in the
great lot number four in the second range of lots in said Alton being the
same more or less. To have and to hold the said granted premises with the
privileges and appurtenances thereof to him the said Abijah Dore his heirs
and assigns to his and their use forever (legal text continues) |
1/22/1816 |
Abijah Dore |
Henry Dore |
$22 |
Alton |
Strafford |
New Hampshire |
87 |
510 |
Know all men by these presents
that I Abijah Dore of Alton in the County of Strafford & State of New
Hampshire husbandman for and in consideration of the sum of two hundred
dollars paid to me by Henry Dore of Lebanon in the County of York and Commonwealth
of Massachusetts husbandman the right whereof I do hereby acknowledge do
hereby give grant bargain sell and convey unto the said Henry Dore his heirs
and assigns forever seventeen and a half acres of land in Alton to be taken
off of the south end of the northerly half of lot number one in the great lot
number four in the second range of lots in said Alton. Also seventeen and a
half acres of land in Alton aforesaid to be taken of the south end of the
northerly half of lot number four in the great lot number four in the second
range of lots in said Alton. To have and to hold the said granted premises
with the privileges and appurtenances thereof to him the said Henry Dore his
heirs and assigns to his and their use forever (legal text continues) |
1/16/1817 |
John Dore |
Tammy Dore et als |
Somersworth |
Strafford |
New Hampshire |
98 |
473 |
Deed |
3/12/1817 |
William Palmer |
John Dore |
Milton |
Strafford |
New Hampshire |
95 |
252 |
3/12/1817 |
James Twombly et al |
John Dore |
Milton |
Strafford |
New Hampshire |
94 |
346 |
12/16/1817 |
John Dore |
Lydia Dore et als |
Somersworth |
Strafford |
New Hampshire |
98 |
473 |
Deed |
12/16/1817 |
John Dore |
Polly Dore et als |
Somersworth |
Strafford |
New Hampshire |
98 |
473 |
Deed |
4/11/1832 |
Moses Hanson |
Benaiah Dore, Jr., Henry Dore,
Ezra Dore |
$85 |
Ossipee |
Strafford |
New Hampshire |
10 |
594 |
Twenty one acres and forty eight
rods of land situate in said Ossipee being part of the five hundred acre lot
no. twenty seven and bounded as follows (viz) Beginning at the southeast
corner of the Stillings lot so called and running northwesterly by said
Stillings lot sixty four rods, also to run from the corner begin at
southeasterly by the Langdon Lot (so called) one hundred six and a half rods
thence running westerly to the termination of the first named line to contain
twenty one acres forty eight rods and no more excepting the red oak timber on
said land suitable for stares. |
12/27/1832 |
John Stillings |
Ezra Dore |
$240 |
Ossipee |
Strafford |
New Hampshire |
7 |
576 |
A certain piece of land situated
in Ossipee aforesaid and is the same land I the aforesaid John Stillings
Received of one Isaac Stillings in the aforesaid Ossipee and is the same
lands that was set of to me on the judgement of execution vs(?) said Isaac by
Col(?) Benjamin Cooke Francis(?) Cogwell Esqr & Richard Stillings meaning
to conveigh all the land of the set of containing thirty one acres & one
third Referance had to said set off the bounds will fully appear. |
3/22/1838 |
Samuel Roles |
Benaiah Dore, Jr., Edmund Dore |
$275 |
Ossipee |
Strafford |
New Hampshire |
10 |
268 |
A certain tract of land situate
in said Ossipee & bounded as follows ? Beginning at Moses Hanson's land
& the highway & ? by said highway & the wall to a wall nearly
opposite William Stiles dwelling house southwesterly by said ? & continue
the same course to Abbot's corner thence south?terly by said Abbot's land to
said Hanson's lands then northeasterly by a wall to the highway begun at ?
twenty acres more or less, and is the same ? conveyed by me by Samuel Quarles
by deed dated July 19th, 1809 & recorded Strafford Records Liber 89 Folio
102 reference being had to said deed for a more particular description. |
11/8/1838 |
Edmund Dore, Henry Dore |
Ezra Dore |
$80 |
Ossipee |
Strafford |
New Hampshire |
7 |
502 |
All our right title &
interest in & to a certain tract of land situated in said Ossipee being
one third each of the same in common & undivided being part of five
hundred acre lot number twenty seven & bounded as follows (to wit)
Beginning at the southeast corner of the Stillings lot (so called) &
running northeasterly by said Stillings lot sixty four rods & also to run
from the corner begun at southeasterly by the Langdon lot one hundred six
& a half rods, thence westerly to the termination of the first named line
to contain twenty one acres forty eight rods being the same land conveyed to
us by Moses Hanson by deed dated April 11(?) 1832, referance to the same
being had. |
12/9/1846 |
Edward Grant |
Samuel P. Dore |
$14 |
Ossipee |
Carroll |
New Hampshire |
10 |
204 |
A certain tract of land situated
in said Ossipee and is the same said Dore bid at auction at the day of sale
estimated to contain fourteen acres be the same more or less being a part of
the homestead farm of the late Samuel Dore of Ossipee |
4/1/1850 |
Samuel P. Dore |
Richard Hilton |
$50 |
Ossipee |
Carroll |
New Hampshire |
16 |
280 |
The following described parcel
of his land situated in Ossipee aforesaid being the same lands I bought of
Edward Grant my Guardian by deed dated December 9th 1846 Recorded in Carroll
County Records Book 10 Page 204 to contain fourteen acres more or less Referance
to said deed from said Grant to me may be had for a more particular
description. |
5/10/1852 |
Samuel P. Dore |
James Abbott |
$60 |
Ossipee |
Carroll |
New Hampshire |
20 |
330 |
A certain piece or parcel of
land situate in Ossipee in said County of Carroll Bounded as follows
Northerly by land of Henry Canney & Southwesterly by Land of Jacob Gray
Southeasterly by land of Benaih Dore Jr. Northeasterly of said Dores land
being the same I bought Dec 9th 1846 Recorded in Carroll County Records Book
10 Page 204 containing fourteen acres more or less. |
5/10/1852 |
Samuel P. Dore |
Richard Hilton Jr. |
$50 |
Ossipee |
Carroll |
New Hampshire |
20 |
112 |
Described piece or parcel of
land situated in said Ossipee bounded as follows being part of the homestead
farm of my late father Samuel Dore of said Ossipee deceased & the same I
purchased of Benjamin Sceggill Jr as Guardian of Belinda Sceggill by deed
dated July 13 1850 Recorded in Carroll Co Records Book 16 Page 536 Referance
to the same may be had. |
2/4/1854 |
Samuel P. Dore |
Isaac Glidden |
$75 |
Ossipee |
Carroll |
New Hampshire |
24 |
455 |
A certain tract or parcel of
land situated in Ossipee in the County of Carroll in said state and is a part
of the homestead farm of Samuel Dore late of said Ossipee and bounded and
described as follows (to wit) Beginning at stake and stones on land of Aaron
Roberts and Isaac Thurston and running thence southeasterly to land of
Benniah Dore Jr. at stake and stones thence northeasterly on said Dores line
to corner of his land about forty two rods thence southeasterly on Dores line
eleven rods to Widow's dower, thence northeasterly on line of said Dower to
the wall of the back field, thence northwesterly on said wall to corner of
wall and line of Widows Dower thence southwesterly and northwesterly on line
of said Dower to said Roberts and Thurstons land thence southwesterly by said
Roberts and Thurstons land to the bound begun at containing about eighteen
acres more or less being the same premises conveyed to me by Benjamin
Sceggell by deed dated July 13 1850 and Recorded in Carroll County Records
Book 16 Page 536. |
1/23/1855 |
Samuel P. Dore, Betsey F. Dore |
John C. Dore |
$400 |
Ossipee |
Carroll |
New Hampshire |
26 |
75 |
A certain piece or parcel of
land situated in Ossipee in the County of Carroll in said state being part of
the homestead farm of Samuel Dore late of Ossipee deceased and is the Land I
Bought of Benjamin Sceggell as may be seen by said Sceggells Deed to me dated
July 13, 1830(?) Recorded in Carroll County Records Book 16 Page 536. Also
annother Piece of land situated in said Ossipee being that Part of the
homestead farm of said Samuel Dore deceased which was sett off as the Dower
of Sally Dore Widow of Samuel Dore late of Ossipee deceased the whole
containing forty five acres be the same more or less and bounded as follows
northerly by Land of Daniel Hanson Easterly by land of Beniah Dore Jr. &
Richard Hilton Southerly by land of James Abbott and westerly by land of
Henry Kenney(?) hereby reserving the right, which Richard Hilton now has of
passing & repassing through said land to his land land. Also the right I
now have to the burying ground on said premises. |
9/29/1855 |
Samuel Chick Jr. |
Samuel H. Dore |
$200 |
Ossipee |
Carroll |
New Hampshire |
27 |
347 |
A certain parcel or tract of
land in said Ossipee it being a part of my homestead farm bounded as follows
beginning at the new road it being the south easterly corner of said farm and
running south westerly by said New Road fifty rods an thence turning right
angle and running Northwesterly fifty rods to a stake & stones the bounds
we mad this day and thence turning & running north easterly to a maple
tree & thence to the corner of the wall between the field & pasture
and thence running by said wall to the line of Samuel Chick farm thence on
said Chick line & Ezra Dore to bounds began at |
3/3/1856 |
Adam G. Brown, Sally Brown |
Benaiah Dore, Jr. |
$150 |
Ossipee |
Carroll |
New Hampshire |
34 |
562 |
A tract of land situate in said
Ossipee part of five hundred acre lot No. 33 bounded as follows to wit
Beginning at the southwesterly corner of Henry Canney's land formerly
owned by Joshua Canney thence
westerly to a beech tree on the brow of the hill marked J.F., J.A. & R.C.
thence turning at right angles to the range line or line between the 100 acre
& the 500 acre lots thence by said last named line to said Canney's land
Thence by the Canneys land to the bounds begun at being all right angles
& straight line except the angle begun at containing by estimation forty
acres be the same more or less. |
2/19/1857 |
James Abbott, Charles F. Abbott,
Lovina Abbott, Martha Abbott |
Benaiah Dore |
$5 |
Ossipee |
Carroll |
New Hampshire |
88 |
397 |
A certain tract or parcel of
land Situate in Said Ossipee bounded and described as follows to wit
Beginning at the westerly corner of land owned by Henry Canney and running
south untill it strikes the road leading from Ossipee Center to Tuftonborough
and thence running by the road untill it strikes a leaning Hemlock tree, and
thence turning at right angle and running to a bend in the river, and thence
running as the river runs untill it strikes the line between the said Abbotts
and Dore and thence turning at right angle and running as the line runs
untill it strikes the first mentioned corner containing one fourth of an acre
more or less. |
11/9/1861 |
Daniel P. Fall, Comfort Fall |
Frank P. Dore |
$190 |
Ossipee |
Carroll |
New Hampshire |
40 |
173 |
The following piece or parcel of
land in said Ossipee with the buildings thereon commencing new road &
running on land of Ezra Dore southerly forty(?) rods, thence on land of said
Fall westerly thirty six rods, thence turning & running northerly on land
of said Fall forty rods to the new road, thence on said new road thirty six
rods to bounds begun at containing nine acres. |
6/16/1866 |
Benaiah Dore, Hannah Dore |
Frank P. Dore |
$400 |
Ossipee |
Carroll |
New Hampshire |
64 |
159 |
A certain tract or parcel of
land situate in said Ossipee containing seventy acres more or less bounded as
follows to wit Beginning at the South westerly corner by the road leading by
Isaac Hansons and runing North westerly by land of Isaac Hanson & Lucricia
Fall till it strikes land of James Abbott & John Dore thence turning and
and runing by said Abbott's and Dore's land until it strikes land of Samuel
Chick Jr. thence turning and runing by said Chick's land and land of Nathan
Abbott Jr. untill it strikes land of Amasa Chick thence runing by said
Chick's land till it strikes the road first mentioned thence runing by said
road to the corner first mentioned with the buildings thereon. |
8/4/1887 |
Frank P. Dorr, Lucy A. Dorr |
Sylvester S. Dorr |
$200 |
Ossipee |
Carroll |
New Hampshire |
88 |
398 |
A certain tract or parcel of
land Situate in said Ossipee a part of five hundred acre lot No 33. bounded
as follows to wit Beginning at the South westerly corner of Henry Canneys
land and running westerly to Stake and Stone where formerly stood a beech tree
marked of F.J.A.R.C.(?) thence turning at right angles and running to the
range line between the 100 acre and the 500 acre lots, thence by the last
named line to said Canneys land, thence by Canneys land to the bounds begun
at being all right angles and straight lines except the angle begun at wth
buildings thereon containing forty acres more or less. Also one other
piece(?) Situate in said Ossipee beginning at the westerly corner of said
Canneys land and running South untill it strikes the highway leaving(?) from
Ossipee Center to Tuftonborough thence running by said highway until it
strikes a leaning hemlock tree and thence turning at right angles and running
to a bend in the river, and thence by the river untill it strikes the line
between Charles F. Abbotts & the said Dore, and thence turning at right
angles and running as the line runs untill it strikes the first mentioned
corner containing one fourth of an acre more or less. |
12/20/1889 |
Daniel W. Piper |
Franklin W. Dorr |
$225 |
Newburyport |
Essex |
Massachusetts |
337 |
A certain lot or parcel of land
situated in the City of Newburyport and bounded and described as follows,
Viz: Commencing on Merrimack Street, so caled by land of said Piper, thence
running South Easterly by said Merrimac Street sixty feet to other land of
said Piper three hundred and eighty three feet to land of Susan F. Moulton,
thence North Wesley by land of said Moulton One hundred feet, more or less,
to other land of said Piper; thence ring North Easterly by land of said Piper
three hundred feet to said Merrimack Street. |
4/18/1906 |
A.L. Hodsdon, Charlotte M. Hodson |
Leroy H. Dore, Lucy Agnes Dore |
$400 |
Ossipee |
Carroll |
New Hampshire |
128 |
92 |
A certain lot of land &
buildings thereon situate in said Ossipee in the Village of Moultonville
& Known as the Lewis Emery(?) place. Said lot is bounded as follows to
wit: Beginning at the Southwest corner of the Moulton lot so called &
bounded on the East & North by said Moulton lot. On the West by Methodist
Parsonage lot & on the South by highway. |
1/9/1915 |
Franklin W. Dorr |
Alice A. Dorr |
? |
Amesbury |
Essex |
Massachusetts |
2285 |
583 |
Land in said Amesbury, together
with the buildings thereon and bounded as follows: Northwesterly by Clark's
Lane there measuring three hundred feet; Northeasterly by land of the heirs
of Dominic Sweeney there measuring five hundred feet; Southeasterly by my
remaining land there measuring three hundred feet; Southwesterly by my
remaining land there measuring five hundred feet. Subject to a mortgage to
Provident Insitution for Savings in the towns of Salisbury and Amesbury for
$700. Being a part of the premises conveyed to my by Kenniston et al. |